The partners met in Rome at CNR-HQs to discuss project-related activities.

The project partners met in Rome at CNR-HQs last 12 May to discuss, to exchange information and point of views and to verify the up-to-date activities.

The project, co-ordinated by AzzeroCO2, has the main goal of overcoming non-technological barriers and increasing the knowledge and awareness of Italian citizens on biogas and biomethane issues. Italy is, in fact, the second European producer of biogas, a resource with enormous potential but often ostracized by its citizens.

The project team, in addition to AzzeroCO2, is formed by two institutes of the CNR (Institute for Atmospheric Pollution and Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth), Legambiente, CIB (Italian Biogas and Gasification Consortium) and Bionet Green Chemistry.

The partners discussed the activities carried out so far, such as the didactic activities begun in January, and future ones, such as the events for citizens and the courses for local administrators.

The project, with a total duration of 30 months, is just over half its life. Much has been done, but much remains to be done to increase the awareness and knowledge of important issues such as biogas and biomethane among the Italian population, the only case in Europe where renewable energies are hampered by prejudices and lack of knowledge of processes behind.

The partners will gather again at the end of July in Brussels, with the European Commission’s Project Officer that follows ISAAC.